
I don't

Everything are unpredictable, don't you think?

I say, I'm fine, I might turn out sick later
Now she says Okie, But she's not later.

I always wanted to be have a smooth and constant lifestyle
Not much of chances, of course no supprises and bad news coming in from no where.
Face things which very hard but just work hard
Too bad, we are human.
And living in a world full with changes, supprises, bad or good one

I'd say, I am afraid
Facing unknown future, losing someone, missing something, miss out events, left out from society, get myself changed, getting sick, lose myself in no where
Everything in my life without guarentee , everything are not under control
Turn out that I am just a coward, I have no courage to face what coming.

People born in a family, but its destiny that everyone will lose someone someday
Your father, mother, brother, sister, cousins, aunties, uncles, friends, girlfriend, boyfriend
Those precious ones, you can't hold them with you, forever, I can't hold them, forever
Until now only I knew, I don't wanna miss a thing, a single word, single hug, single kiss, single gathering, single dinner with those I like, I love, I apprieciate.

Hope what is left , is not regret.

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